LGBTQ therapy to help LGBTQ people love themselves and each other.

Polyamorous Therapy

Polyamorous Therapists Near You For Individuals, Couples, and Polycules

What is polyamory?

Polyamory is essentially about loving more than one person at a time. It’s not about sex or the number of partners. At it’s core, polyamory is a philosophy to remove barriers in our heart in the ways we give and receive love.

Polyamorous therapy acknowledges and supports the diversity of relationships. Our therapists offer a non-judgmental, affirming experience to explore the challenges and joys of ethical non-monogamy.

Polyamorous Couples and Polycule Therapy

Like all relationships, successful polyamorous relationships take work.

Developing good communication skills are essential in working through the very human emotions of jealousy, insecurity, and hurt when navigating polyamory. We all need to feel safe and secure in our close relationships and that includes our poly relationships.

The growing field of attachment theory in the past has only been applied to monogamous relationships. Fortunately the work has now been expanded to help build secure relationships with more than one partner. The Gay Therapy Center is at the forefront of this work.

Reach Out To Us

image of polycule smiling

Here are some of the poly relationship issues we commonly help clients work through:

Jealousy and Insecurity: Transforming Vulnerability Into Strength

Even though polyamory is based on consensual non-monogamy, consent does not mean feeling secure all of the time. Without the ability to listen to your partner’s feelings, empathize with them when they feel dropped, and reconnect when the inevitable hurt arises, polyamorous relationships will be short-lived.

According to our therapists, asking how to eliminate jealousy is asking the wrong question. The better question is “How do I cope with feeling jealous?”

Successful poly relationships embrace vulnerability and deeply connected conversation. This is what you will learn and practice in counseling sessions.

Balancing New Relationships Energy (NRE) and Established Partners

The excitement we experience with new partners can overshadow our existing relationships. How can you attune to your partners when you are experiencing NRE? How can you track yourself in order to reduce the likelihood of hurting people you love? How can you manage your time and attention to all of your partners? These skills are teachable.

Metamour Relationships: Your Partners’ Partners

Navigating relationships with your partners’ other partners requires fine-tuned communication skills. What happens when metamours don’t get along? How can you and your partners better manage conflict? Therapy is a place to get educated, learn new skills, and practice having difficult conversations that build intimacy.

Make An Appointment

image of polycule smiling

Frequently Asked Questions About Therapy for Polyamorous Folks

Do I  have to be a member of the LGBTQ+ community to work with the Gay Therapy Center?

No! Heterosexual folks work with us because they know that we are experts in working with marginalized communities and we are poly affirming.

Do you work with all types of polyamorous relationships and models?  

Yes. We work with hierarchical relationships, parallel polyamory, kitchen table polyamory, solo polyamory, and unicorns, to name a few.

Do all members of the polycule have to be present at each session?

No. Your therapist will assess what configuration will be most helpful based on your history and  present issues. This work can be done in-person or online. We work with all poly configurations.

“I could not imagine a better experience. From the intake to the sessions themselves. Even billing. Everything has been seamless, considerate, and really really good. I’ve already recommended multiple friends.”

Where can I find Experienced Polyamorous Therapists Near Me?

When you reach out to us we can match you to a therapist that best meets your specific needs. Read about a few of our therapists below.

While demographic research has shown that roughly 4-5% of the population practices polyamory, it can be hard to find well trained poly-friendly therapists near you.

Here are some of our therapists who specialize in individual and group therapy for polyamorous people. We offer in-person sessions in San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York and Washington DC, and online sessions worldwide.

Ready to nurture your unique love-story?

Contact Us

Dan, LGBTQ Therapist in Seattle


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