Some gay men put up with a lot in their relationships. Their long-term partners will aggressively flirt with other men in front of them, go home with a guy from the bar without any forewarning, sleep with ex-lovers without gaining consent from their current lover, or brag to their current boyfriends about the quality of their sex with strangers. Ouch.
Here’s what I find most concerning. Some gay men don’t feel they have a right to be upset about these behaviors. They’ll ask me why they feel so jealous and how can I help them let go of their jealousy. They think that the gay community believes in sexual freedom and it isn’t cool or manly to object to their partner’s sexual behavior.
In other words, they feel shame for experiencing hurt by the actions of their long-term partners.
Heterosexual couples get plenty of social support for treating their partners with respect when it comes to sex. Outrage is the typical social response when friends are told about poor relationship behavior among straight people. When gay men tell the same heartbreaking stories they are less likely to get a big response. LGBTQ relationships are not given the same level of validity.
I’m not making an argument here for monogamy in gay men’s long-term relationships. Men can have open relationships and still treat each other with great care and consideration. Gay men have led the way on redefining what defines a caring open relationship. Check out my blog entry entitled Gay Men and Open Relationships: What Works? for more on that position.
The point I am making is that if you feel jealous about your partner’s sexual behaviors with other men, you need to validate those feelings. Those feelings are common and normal and deserve respect from both you and your partner.
There is plenty of research in psychology to back up the theory that an important reason we enter into relationships is to heal some of the old wounds we experienced in our earliest relationships with our parents, siblings, and peers. If your family had trouble providing you with emotional support as a child then one of the best ways you can heal from that loss is to experience deep emotional support from your adult partner. Most people are really hungry for this experience.
Couples that don’t acknowledge that their relationship needs plenty of care, conversation, and consensus will hurt each other. Rather than helping to heal old wounds, these relationships just keep reinjuring. Psychotherapists call this “attachment wounding.”
If your friends are telling you that you are putting up with too much from your boyfriend, it’s often a sign that you are in a “codependent” position in your relationship. Codependence can be defined as compulsively taking care of other people rather than taking care of ourselves.
Here’s the very least you should expect from your partner:
- Your partner should apologize when he discovers that he dropped you emotionally. Maybe not right away, but eventually.
- Your partner should not be harshly criticizing you, teasing you, or putting you down. If he does this occasionally he should be sincerely apologizing after each incident.
- Your partner should never hit you. Period.
- Being drunk is not an excuse for mean behavior.
- You deserve kindness from your partner. Not at every single moment, but on a regular weekly basis. This is really the whole point of being in a relationship.
If this topic resonated with you might want to check out the classic book on codependency: Codependent No More by Melody Beattie.
If you are tolerating unkind behavior then I urge you seriously reevaluate your relationship. Seek out individual or couples counseling if you need help in making the changes to create supportive, healthy relationships.
I have very fortunate to have had 2 very loving mature relationships. The last one was 34+years long until he passed away. In looking at your key points I am thankful we had nearly all the good and only 1 of the bad that we cleared up early in our relationship. Guys and dolls there are really good people out there for you but just don’t accept someone so you are not alone. You deserve a full loving relationship. Its possible.
This is some thing I could relate because I was never good with relation ships . Now I am .even though I am not seeing someone I was in a couple of relationships with older men and I have changed. I am willing to be an equal partner ,I am very considerate ,I am willing to sacrifice for him and most of all willing to listen and communicate.that is what a relationship is all about.good advise in this article
Totally agree!!! Ready for a life commitment
Wonderful words. I hope all is going well for you.
Love and Light
I am a firm believer in monogamous relationships.
Actually you’re absolutely right! But, it’s fun having a little 1st base flirt sometimes.. kinda keeps you on the upper cord of fitness and happiness…
So am I. I don’t even know where to begin to find a partner who believes in monogamous relationships. I’ve done the “whore” apps as I call them but nothing. I don’t fit in this world to begin with and then add “gay man looking for husband” I’m really lookin for a speck of dust in over a billion hat stacks.
Any way, I guess I just wanted to vent because I can’t find anything on the internet about finding a husband or support groups for that matter.
Love and light.
Michael Patrick
I am so happy to see this information being distributed. The issues here are good common sense. There is nothing new or difficult here to master.
I’m just looking to meet someone I can trust, just lost my partner of 25 years and for the last 7 of those years I couldn’t trust…
Completely understand
I’m a thirteen-year-old guy and found someone who loves me back and I’m scared of the things that will happen when were together in public I know people say don’t be scared to show your emotions, but I can’t trust people I found 1 person I can though.
I’m so glad to see this here.
I am 35 year old muslim guy and I have partner but sexually I feel that he does not do it in the bedroom, he has stunning cock but most times when we about to have sex after foreplay he goes soft and its some what annoying as I feel I am doing something wrong, he is 53 and I am 35 I love him dearly but feel that the intimacy is going to be a problem as I am very sexual, like a few weeks ago I met this Portuguese man hairy and handsome we had sex and it felt so good I came without being hard which for me was a first time ever that’s ever happen to me.I don’t feel guilty as I have spoken to my partner we need to get him help with the problem but no luck.I don’t know what to do as we together for almost 4 years and same problem.
You’re “not making the case for monogamy” but surely that is an option. It’s not crazy to have that expectation, though I might have to be more explicit in stating it than a straight guy would, since it’s not the default in the gay world. Anyway I just felt like you might have been a tad too dismissive there.
Ya for sure lol
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