LGBTQ therapy to help LGBTQ people love themselves and each other.


man in a blue shirt against a light blue wall looking off into the distance | LGBTQ self esteem anxiety therapy

What if you noticed when your shyness arose, acknowledged that you were feeling shy, and then paused and felt compassion for yourself instead of listening to your inner critic? Shy LGBTQ people often are better listeners, more insightful and empathic, and appear more trustworthy and less threatening to others.

Thinking About Therapy?

Schedule a 15-minute free call to discuss if the Gay Therapy Center has the right therapist for you.

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Ready to start feeling better about yourself? Life gets easier when we have more confidence. Unlearn what the culture taught you about being LGBTQ in our free 30 day email course – 30 Days To Feeling Good About You!

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